Shop/ Poultry / Miller Hatcheries Barred Plymouth Rock (Pullets 20-49 units)

Miller Hatcheries Barred Plymouth Rock (Pullets 20-49 units)


Plymouth Rock was first shown in Boston in 1849, but was then not seen for another twenty years and was later added to the Standard of Excellence of the American Poultry Association in 1874. The barred plumage pattern was the original one; other colours were later added. Because of its many good qualities – tasty meat, good egg production, resistance to cold, early feathering, easy management, good sitting – the Plymouth Rock became the most widespread chicken breed in the United States until the time of World War II, followed by the introduction of industrial poultry farming and the hybrid broiler when it lost popularity. The breed is said to be in recovery, numbering about 24,000 Barred Plymouth Rock worldwide.

SKU: Y097826 Category: